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中國太保堅持堅守價值,堅信長期,著力推動高質量發展,總體經營業績積極向好,公司綜合實力持續增強。公司連續12年入選《財富》世界500強;在Brand Finance全球最具價值保險品牌100強中排名第5位。2022年,公司營業收入4553.72億元,同比增長3.3%;集團營運利潤為401.15億元,同比增長13.5%;集團管理資產27,242.30億元,同比增長4.7%。公司運營能力和服務能級持續提升,為1.7億多客戶提供“責任、智慧、溫度”的太保服務。


我們堅信長期主義,將堅韌與利他作為發展理念。中國太保啟動壽險“長航”轉型, 推行“芯”基本法,驅動代理人隊伍發展模式深度轉變;堅持可持續發展理念,踐行社會責任,推動ESG理念深度融入公司價值觀,將綠色保險、綠色投資、綠色運營納入公司經營實踐,打造太保藍、太保紅、太保綠等社會責任圖譜,為增進社會共同福祉貢獻太保力量。 


我們應時而變,推進大健康、大區域和大數據戰略。中國太保打造“太保家園”、“太保藍本”、“太醫管家”、 “源申康復”等服務品牌,建立覆蓋客戶全生命周期健康管理生態圈;完善區域發展支持機制,聚合區域內產業上下游合作伙伴,為公司高質量發展構筑新的增長力;加快推進數據集中與共享,提升基于數據驅動的客戶洞見,為業務決策創造數智基礎。










Company Overview

Introduction to China Pacific Insurance Company (2022 Edition)

China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CPIC, or the Company) is an insurance holding company incorporated on the basis of China Pacific Insurance Company, which was established on May 13, 1991. It is a leading insurance group headquartered in Shanghai, which is the first insurance group simultaneously listed on Shanghai, Hong Kong and London Stock Exchanges.

CPIC adhered to high-quality development, vigorously pursued transformation and delivered steady growth of business results. It was listed on the Fortune Global 500 for the 10th consecutive year, ranking 193rd. In 2019, its operating revenues increased by 8.8% from 2018 to RMB385.489 billion; Group net profits amounted to RMB27.741 billion, an increase of 54.0%; Group total assets grew by 14.4% on an annual compound basis in the past 3 years, amounting to RMB1,528.333 billion. The Company continuously enhanced its operational and service capabilities and provided services to 139 million customers, projecting a image of being “responsible, smart and caring”. CPIC Life and CPIC P/C won the top AA rating for the 3rd successive year in the regulatory evaluation of customer service.

CPIC pro-actively adapted to changes and innovated the development model. The new model of “products + services” helped to drive the development of individual customer business of CPIC Life. “CPIC Home” high-end retirement communities were gaining traction, with locations in Chengdu, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing. “CPIC Blue Passport”, a program at the core of its health management service system, was improving continuously. Property and casualty business, while delivering sustained improvement in the combined ratio, enhanced capabilities in customer acquisition and retention for automobile business. Emerging business lines such as agricultural insurance, guarantee insurance and liability insurance maintained rapid development, with the share of non-auto business increasing considerably to 30.7%. Based on profiles of liabilities, asset management continuously optimized asset allocation, seized market opportunities and reported solid investment performance. The Company signed agreements with 77 strategic clients, while entering into strategic partnerships with 63.8% of China’s provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, capable of providing one-stop integrated services; Changjiang Pension successfully qualified as manager of occupational annuity of all the 30 provinces/municipalities which started the bidding. Digital empowerment improved responsiveness, with the establishment of a technological support system underpinned by “3 centers in 2 locations”. The cloud-based core business systems supported response to up to hundreds of millions of customers. “CPIC App” was upgraded in an all-around way, binding over 30 million users.

CPIC lived up to its commitments to serve national strategies and people’s well-being. It signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to serve the high-end manufacturing industry; offered insurance coverage to the Belt and Road Initiative, with overseas business spanning over 120 countries, and provided a total of over RMB500 billion in sum assured of comprehensive insurance coverage for the 2nd CIIE; supported the national initiatives such as “Integration of the Yangtze River Delta Region” , “New Area of Shanghai Free Trade Zone”, “Invigoration of Rural Areas” and “Healthy China”. Company employees donated over RMB20 million for the afforestation effort in Sanjiangyuan, the origin of China’s main rivers. In the face of the coronavirus outbreak, it provided insurance solutions covering coronavirus to people at the front line of the combat against the epidemic, such as medical professionals, police, and grass-root government officials; protection of RMB500 million in sum assured to help 45 key manufacturers of supplies resume business, which in turn, would help thousands of firms across the country in resumption of business.

CPIC deepened long-term mechanism for targeted poverty reduction. Its poverty reduction programs covered around 5.133 million impoverished people on the dossier and provided RMB2.32 trillion in sum assured to the poverty-stricken areas. Its “Fang Pin Bao” anti-poverty program provided a total of RMB2.77 trillion in protection to vulnerable people in 160 counties of 16 provinces, and won the Award in Organizational Innovations of the 2019 National Poverty Alleviation Awards, the top prize of its kind, being the only insurance company winning the award.

CPIC will unswervingly follow the path of high-quality development, stabilizing the fundamentals on the one hand and seeking new progress of transformation in key areas on the other. It will work even harder towards the objective of being the “best in customer experience, business quality and risk control capabilities” and the vision of “industry leadership for healthy and steady development”.

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